Tuesday, November 15, 2016


As many young professionals, I have had a LinkedIn account for as long as I can remember. I never used it to its full potential. In fact, I only had an account because someone in out company told us everyone should have one. Now tat I am running my own business I still find myself not using it in the capacity it was meant for. But, I continue to keep my account, just in case.

LinkedIn is a genius idea when you get down to it. Like a secondary resume for you to show off your connections and potential companies to see more than a simple resume can provide. I believe this site is very useful for people looking to get their name out there, especially if they are looking for a new job. I know a lot of my views came from people looking to hire me when my resume came across their desks. This is a great way to show off more than what you can write on a limited resume. I do suggest that you keep active on it and keep it updated. Add a professional picture and keep those connections rolling in and you will be the happier for it.

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